Windows 2000 Resource Kit Tools for administrative tasks
The following tools are available for download:
Active Directory Sizer (adsizer.exe): The Active Directory Sizer tool lets you estimate the hardware that is required to deploy Active Directory in your organization. The estimate that is provided is based on your organization's usage profile, and the domain and site topology. To download this tool, click the following link: (
Application Programming Interface monitor (apimon.exe): This tool monitors an application that is running for all API calls that a process is making. APIMon counts and times the API calls. It also has the option to monitor page faults that are caused by the monitored application and to report them by API call. To download this tool, click the following link: (
Application Security (appsec.exe): This tool is a GUI-based application that enables an administrator in a multiuser environment to restrict the access of ordinary users to a predefined set of applications on the network. By using this tool to enable application security, the system will reject any tries by ordinary users to execute a program that they are not authorized to use. To download this tool, click the following link: (
Cluster Quorum Restore Utility (clusrest.exe): This tool is used in a Windows 2000 cluster after a node has been restored by using NtBackup, a component of the Windows 2000 operating system. NtBackup leaves the quorum data in a directory on the node's disk. But NtBackup does not restore the quorum data to the quorum disk at that time. Restoring the quorum disk requires that the cluster be stopped and restarted. This may not be necessary or desirable. If a quorum disk requires a restore, the cluster is most likely down, and the operation will not adversely affect operation. To download this tool, click the following link: (
Counter List (ctrlist.exe): This is a command-line tool that lists all objects and counters that are installed in the system for the given language ID. To download this tool, click the following link: (
Cluster Verification Utility (clustsim.exe): This tool verifies that a two-node cluster is set up correctly. To download this tool, click the following link: (
Domain Controller Diagnostic Tool (dcdiag.exe): This command-line tool analyzes the state of domain controllers in a forest or an enterprise and reports any problems to help with troubleshooting. An end-user reporting program, DCDiag encapsulates detailed knowledge of how to determine abnormal behavior in the system. (
Delete File and Reparse Points (delrp.exe): This command-line tool deletes a file or a directory and any associated reparse points. To download this tool, click the following link: (
Delete Server (delsrv.exe): This command-line tool unregisters a service by using Services Control Manager. To download this tool, click the following link: (
Display Heap (dh.exe): This is a command-line tool to display information about heap usage for user-mode processes or for pool usage in kernel-mode memory. It also enables you to lock heaps, tags, stacks, and objects. To download this tool, click the following link: (
DHCP Database Export Import Tool (dhcpexim.exe): This command-line tool exports a DHCP database and server configuration from a server that is running Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 Server or Windows 2000 Server for import into a destination DHCP server that is running Windows 2000. To download this tool, click the following link: (
Directory Disk Usage (diruse.exe): This command-line tool displays directory size information that includes compression information for NTFS volumes. You can use this Diruse utility to determine the actual usage of space for compressed files and directories. You can also specify a maximum folder size. After you specify a maximum folder size, the Diruse utility then marks any folders that exceed the specified limit and, if you want, alerts you to the problem. To download this tool, click the following link: (
Disk Map (diskmap.exe): This command-line tool produces a detailed report on the configuration of the hard disk that you specify. It provides information from the registry about disk characteristics and geometry. It also reads and displays data about all the partitions and the logical drives that are defined on the disk. To download this tool, click the following link: (
Disk Partition (diskpart.exe): The Microsoft Windows 2000 DiskPart utility enables storage configuration from a script, from a remote session, or from other command prompts. DiskPart augments the Disk Administrator graphical user interface. To download this tool, click the following link: (
Disk Manager Diagnostics (dmdiag.exe): Disk Manager Diagnostics is a command-line tool that provides system state information and configuration information that describes disk storage. To download this tool, click the following link: (
List Loaded Drivers (drivers.exe): List Loaded Drivers displays character-based information about the device drivers that are installed. To download this tool, click the following link: (
Drive Share (drmapsrv.exe): DrMapSrv is a Terminal Services command-line tool that configures NET SHARE and NET USE client drives for Terminal Services server access. To download this tool, click the following link: (
Dump Event Log (dumpel.exe): Dump Event Log is a command-line tool that dumps an event log for a local system or a remote system into a tab-separated text file. This tool can also be used to filter for or filter out certain event types. To download this tool, click the following link: (
Dump FSMO Roles (dumpfsmos.cmd): This command-line tool dumps the operations master roles (also known as flexible single master operation or FSMO roles) for a domain. By using DumpFsmos, you can find the names of the domain controllers that are performing forest-wide operations master roles that include the following:
Schema master
Domain naming master
Infrastructure master
Relative ID (RID) master
Primary domain controller (PDC) emulator masterTo download this tool, click the following link: (
Registry Size Estimator (dureg.exe): DuReg is a command-line tool that enables you to discover how much data is stored in the registry or in any registry subtree, key, or subkey. The tool also enables you to search for all occurrences of a text string in the registry. This search can be limited to a specific subtree. To download this tool, click the following link: (
Encrypting File System Information (efsinfo.exe): This command-line tool displays information about files and folders that are encrypted by using Encrypting File System (EFS) on NTFS partitions. Additionally, when you use EFS, users can protect files from unauthorized access to sensitive data that includes data from a stolen laptop or an external disk drive. To download this tool, click the following link: (
Extensible Performance Counter List (exctrlst.exe): This tool provides information about the performance counter DLLs that have been installed on a computer that is running Microsoft Windows 2000. The tool lists the services and applications that provide performance information by using the Windows 2000 registry. To download this tool, click the following link: (
Extract Cabinet (extract.exe): This command-line tool extracts individual files from compressed cabinet (.cab) files. Cabinet files use a highly efficient method of compression and distribution. This method has been used by Microsoft for many years. To download this tool, click the following link: (
FAZAM 2000: This third-party GUI tool extends the Group Policy management functionality of Windows 2000. This version of FAZAM 2000 is designed for small enterprises, for Windows 2000 deployment test labs, and for single domains that have fewer than 500 users or computers. To download this tool, click the following link: (
GetMAC (getmac.exe): GetMAC provides a quick method to obtain the MAC Ethernet layer address and binding order for a computer that is running Windows 2000 either locally or over a network. To download this tool, click the following link: (
Get Security ID (getsid.exe): GetSID compares the user security IDs (SIDs) of two accounts. You can use it to compare account SIDs between a primary domain controller and a backup domain controller when you suspect user database corruption. To download this tool, click the following link: (
Group Policy Verification Tool (gpotool.exe): This command-line tool enables you to check the health of the Group Policy objects on domain controllers. To download this tool, click the following link: (
Group Policy Results (gpresult.exe): This command-line tool displays information about how Group Policy has affected the current computer and any users who are logged on to the current computer. To download this tool, click the following link: (
GUID to Object (guid2obj.exe): This command-line tool maps a GUID to a distinguished name. In Microsoft Windows 2000, each security principal (a user, a group, or a computer) is identified by a unique security identifier (SID) in the form of a GUID. In Active Directory directory service, each object has a distinguished name. This tool enables you to associate the two. To download this tool, click the following link: (
Heap Monitor (heapmon.exe): This command-line tool enables you to view system heap information. To download this tool, click the following link: (
Hard link display tool (hlscan.exe): This command-line tool displays hard links on an NTFS volume or in specified files or directories of the volume. To download this tool, click the following link: (
If Member (Ifmember.exe): Ifmember is a command-line tool that checks whether the current user is a member of a specified group. It is typically used in Windows logon scripts and other batch files. To download this tool, click the following link: (
IIS Migration Wizard (IISMIGrationWizard_Setup.exe): The IIS Migration Wizard migrates Web server configuration settings, MIME information, and the content of Windows 2000 Server and Internet Information Services (IIS) 5.0 from another Web server. It also provides the option to migrate users and groups. To download this tool, click the following link: (
Installation Monitor (instaler_setup.exe): This command-line tool tracks changes that are made by Setup programs in any secondary processes that they start. It includes changes to registry entries, to files and to .ini file entries. Installation Monitor creates an IML file that documents all those changes, together with enough information to undo all the changes. To download this tool, click the following link: (
File-In-Use Replace Utility (inuse.exe): InUse is a command-line tool that performs on-the-fly replacement of files that the operating system currently uses. To download this tool, click the following link: (
Internet Protocol Security Policies Tool (lpsecpol.exe): This command-line tool configures Internet Protocol security (IPsec) policies in the Directory Service, or in a local or remote registry. It does everything that the IPsec Microsoft Management Console (MMC) snap-in does, and is even modeled after the snap-in. To download this tool, click the following link: (
Kerberos Tray (kerbtray.exe): This GUI tool displays ticket information for a computer that is running the Microsoft implementation of Kerberos V5 protocol. You receive the initial ticket-granting ticket (TGT) when you first log on to the Windows 2000 domain by using your account. To download this tool, click the following link: (
Kerberos List (klist.exe): This command-line tool lets you view and delete Kerberos tickets that are granted to the current logon session. To use KList to view tickets, you must run the tool on a Windows 2000-based computer that is a member of a Windows 2000 domain. To download this tool, click the following link: (
Network Connectivity Tester (netdiag.exe): This command-line diagnostic tool helps isolate networking and connectivity problems. It performs a series of tests to determine the state of a network client and whether it is functional. To download this tool, click the following link: (
Now (now.exe): Now displays the current date and time on STDOUT and can be followed by any command-line arguments that you add. The tool is useful for logging times from .bat or .cmd files to track progress. To download this tool, click the following link: (
NT Detect ( Installs a debug version of Startup Hardware Detector to use for troubleshooting hardware detection issues. To download this tool, click the following link: (
Open Handles (oh.exe): This command-line tool shows the handles of all open windows. The tool can also be used to show only information that relates to a specific process, object type, or object name. To download this tool, click the following link: (
OLE/COM Object Viewer (oleview.exe): This administration and testing tool browses in a structured way, and configures, enables, and tests all Microsoft Component Object Model (COM) classes that are installed on a computer. To download this tool, click the following link: (
Path Manager (pathman.exe): This command-line tool adds or removes components from system or user paths. PathMan can modify any number of paths in a single call. It includes error checking that can handle path abnormalities, such as repeated entries, missing entries, and adjacent semicolons. To download this tool, click the following link: (
File Access Permissions per User (perms.exe): Perms displays a user's access permissions for a specified file or a set of files. To download this tool, click the following link: (
Page Fault Monitor (pfmon.exe): This command-line tool lets a developer or system administrator monitor page faults that occur when an application is running. Although you can easily resolve soft page faults with Virtual Memory Manager, you can use Pfmon to trace hard page faults. To download this tool, click the following link: (
Process and Thread Status (pstat.exe): PStat is a character-based tool that lists all running threads and displays their status. This tool resembles Qslice.exe, but it uses a command-line instead of a GUI interface. To download this tool, click the following link: (
PuList (pulist.exe): This command-line tool displays processes that are running on local or remote computers. PuList resembles TList. TList is a Support Tool on the Windows 2000 CD. But PuList also lists the user name that is associated with each process on a local computer. To download this tool, click the following link: (
File Copy (rdpclip.exe): File Copy is an extension to Terminal Services server that lets you copy and paste between the server and the client. RdpClip lets you copy and paste files between a terminal session and a client console session. To download this tool, click the following link: (
Relog (relog.exe): Relog.exe extracts performance counters from logs that are created by the Performance Logs and Alerts service into one of the other supported file formats:
text-TSV, for tab-delimited text
text-CSV, for comma-delimited text
binary-BINTo download this tool, click the following link: (
RPC Configuration Tool (rpccfg.exe): Rpccfg.exe configures Microsoft remote procedure call to listen on specified ports. It also displays the port settings and resets ports to the default settings for the system. To download this tool, click the following link: (
RPC Dump (rpcdump.exe): This command-line tool queries remote procedure call (RPC) endpoints for status and for other information about RPC. To download this tool, click the following link: (
RPC Connectivity Verification Tool (rpings.exe): This tool confirms remote procedure call (RPC) connectivity between RPC servers and clients on a network. RPC Ping checks to see whether RPC services are responding to RPC requests from client computers. To download this tool, click the following link: (
Manipulate Service Principal Names for Accounts (setspn.exe): This command-line tool lets you modify or delete the Service Principal Names (SPN) directory property for an Active Directory service account. SPNs are used to locate a target principal name for running a service. SetSpn enables you to view the current SPNs, to reset the account's default SPNs, and to add or to delete supplemental SPNs. To download this tool, click the following link: (
SetX (setx.exe): This command-line tool offers a batch method for setting environmental variables in the user or in the system environment. The tool requires no programming or scripting. It can take an environmental variable and its associated value from the command line. It can also retrieve the values of registry keys and write them to text files. To download this tool, click the following link: (
Performance Data Block Dump Utility (showperf.exe): This GUI tool lets developers dump and display raw performance data as it is read from the Windows 2000 performance registry. ShowPerf reads the performance data from the registry and then displays the unformatted and unsorted output in a list. To download this tool, click the following link: (
File Replication Service (FRS) Status Viewer (sonar.exe): Sonar is a tool that is designed for monitoring key statistics about FRS members in a replica set. Sonar can collect basic status information from FRS. You can use Sonar to easily watch coarse statistics on a replica set, and to monitor traffic levels, backlogs, free space, and other issues. To download this tool, click the following link: (
Near-Future Command Scheduler (soon.exe): This command-line tool schedules programs and commands to run very soon on either a local or a remote computer. Because you schedule jobs to run at a time in relation to the current time, you do not have to edit Soon to reschedule jobs. You can also use Soon to schedule jobs to run cyclically at intervals of less than one day. To download this tool, click the following link: (
Automated Installation Tool (sysdiff.exe): By using this tool, you can pre-install applications as part of an automated setup that includes applications that do not support scripted installation. To download this tool, click the following link: (
Timethis (timethis.exe): This command-line tool calculates how long it takes the system to run a command. To download this tool, click the following link: (
Trace Dump (tracedmp.exe): This command-line tool produces a summary of event trace-log data. TraceLog does not produce output that is readable without using an additional tool. TraceDmp functions like a Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) consumer. It takes TraceLog output and parses it into readable form. TraceDmp can also poll real-time trace-buffer data and convert the data to a .csv file. To download this tool, click the following link: (
Trace Enable (traceenable.exe): This GUI tool enables tracing and displays current tracing options. You can use TraceEnable to do the following:
Enable or disable Windows 2000 Server remote access/RADIUS tracing without using Registry Editor.
Scan the EnableConsoleTracing, EnableFileTracing and MaxFileSize component-related subkeys in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Tracing and modify the subkeys without using a registry editor.To download this tool, click the following link: (
Trace Log (tracelog.exe): This command-line tool starts, stops, or enables trace logging. The results of event logging can be viewed by using either the TraceDmp tool or Reducer tool. To download this tool, click the following link: (
Terminal Server Capacity Planning Tools (tscpt.exe): This suite of tools assists organizations with Microsoft Windows 2000 Terminal Services capacity planning. The tools enable organizations to easily add and to manage simulated loads on a server. This in turn could help an organization determine whether its environment can handle the load that the organization expects to put on the environment. To download this tool, click the following link: (
Time Zone Editor (tzedit.exe): This tool allows you to create and edit time zone entries for the Date/Time settings in Control Panel, especially for daylight saving time. (
User State Migration Tool (usmt.exe): This command-line tool collects a user's documents and settings (state) before an operating system migration to Windows 2000 is performed and restores them after the installation. The ScanState command of the User State Migration Tool is run before installation to collect a user's state information. After the installation of Windows 2000 is complete, the LoadState command of the tool is run to include the user's state on the computer. To download this tool, click the following link: (
Virtual Address Dump (vadump.exe): This command-line tool shows the state and the size of each segment of virtual address space. You can use VaDump to make sure that virtual address space is not overallocated. To download this tool, click the following link: (
Who Am I (whoami.exe): This command-line tool returns the domain name or computer name and the user name of the user who is currently logged on to the computer on which the tool runs. To download this tool, click the following link: (
WinStation Monitor (winsta.exe): This GUI tool monitors the status of all users who are logged on to a Microsoft Windows 2000 Terminal Server. To download this tool, click the following link: (
Windows NT IPConfig Utility (wntipcfg.exe): This GUI tool gives you information about your IP configuration. To download this tool, click the following link: (
XCacls (xcacls.exe): This tool can set all file system security options that are available in Windows Explorer from the command line. XCacls does this by displaying and by modifying the access control lists (ACLs) of files. To download this tool, click the following link: (
Windows 2000 Resource Kit Tools for administrative tasks
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
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