Recent Posts Widget for Blogger

Friday, August 28, 2009

Recent Posts Widget for Blogger

Many Bloggers use a Feed widget to display links to recent blog posts. However, when using this widget, we are limited to display only 5 items or less.

So I have created a widget which allows you to display more than 5 recent posts. You can customize the title and choose how many posts you would like to display, then install directly to your blog at the click of a button!

To install your own recent comments widget in your Blogger layout, simply follow these steps:

  1. Choose a title for your widget, or leave this blank if you prefer not to display a title.

  2. Add your blog's URL in the box provided. Do NOT add the HTTP:// part, or a closing forward slash as these are already generated by the script.

    For example, you can enter or in the blog URL text box.

    However, or will not work!

  3. Choose how many post titles you would like to display. This is set to 10 by default, though I have successfully experimented with up to 100!

  4. Click on the "Customize" button to save your changes, then the "Add to Blog" button will be highlighted. You can then click this button to add your customized recent posts widget to your Blogger blog.

Here is the widget installer to add your recent posts widget to your blog:

How this works

This widget references a JavaScript which parses your blog's feed and displays the titles of the most recent posts in a list.

Unfortunately the script I am using causes problems when trying to display a summary of latest posts, so at present I am unable to offer this feature.

Let me know what you think!

I hope you enjoy using this widget! Please let me know your thoughts on this by leaving your comments below.


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