Popular Posts (Most Commented) Widget for Blogger Blogs

Friday, August 28, 2009

Popular Posts (Most Commented) Widget for Blogger Blogs

Over the past few weeks, many of you have expressed an interest in such a widget, and I hope this will become a useful widget for you all.

You can see this widget in action and install this in your own Blogger powered blog using the widget installer below.

Please note: if you are reading this post in your feed reader, you will not see the widget installer and will need to visit this page in your browser instead!

On the right you can see an example of the Popular Posts widget, which displays the ten most popular posts from Blogger Buster (including their comment count). This widget uses Yahoo! Pipes to parse and display each item in the list using the last 5000 comments which have been made on this blog.

Installing this widget in your own Blogger blog is easy:

  1. Change the title of the widget if you prefer.

  2. Add your blog's URL in the input box (don't include the http:// part as this is already inserted by the script)

  3. Click the "Customize" button to make the changes take effect, then click on the "Add to Blog" button.

At this point, you will be taken to the widget installer page where you can choose which of your Blogger powered blogs you would like to install this widget.

A bit more information about this widget

I have developed this widget using Yahoo Pipes, where I added variables to retrieve 5000 comments and extracted the titles and URLs using Regex (regular expressions).

If you would like to take a look at how this works, feel free to hop over to the Blogger Popular Posts/Most Commented Pipe page where you can also make a copy and edit to your own specifications.

Using This Widget in a Blogger Feed Widget (Alternative Installation)

If you would prefer to use Blogger's Feed Widget instead (which loads the items slightly faster), you modify the following feed link to include your own URL (eg: yourblog.blogspot.com or www.yourblog.com) and add insert this as the "Feed URL" on the widget configuration page:


However, using Blogger's Feed Widget will limit the number of items you can display to 5 instead of 10, and you will not be able to number your items.

Troubleshooting the Popular Posts Widget

If you have installed this widget in your blog but the post links are not displayed, this may be due to one of the following issues:

You have added your blog's URL incorrectly

Double check your blog's URL when you add this to the widget installer, and remember not to add the "http://" part as this is already added by the script.


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